Beryl Brunson

Beryl Brunson

February 1, 2006

BERYL (COX) BRUNSON TupeloBeryl Cox Brunson, 97, died Wednesday, February 1, 2006 at her residence after a brief illness. A native of Coahoma County, she was born March 2, 1908 to the late Robert Samuel and Lillian Josephine Birdsong Cox. She was married to the late Willie Brunson who passed away July 31, 1987. She was a homemaker and a...

Frankie Jones

Frankie Jones

February 1, 2006

FRANKIE MULLINS JONES NettletonFrankie Mullins Jones, 93, died Wednesday, February 1, 2006, at Daniel Heath Care after an extended illness. A Monroe County native, she was born February 26, 1912 to the late Marion and Lula Bell Jackson Mullins. She was a 1932 graduate of Nettleton High School and one of the original workers at Reeds Manufacturing. She was married...

Frankie Mullins Jones

Frankie Mullins Jones

February 1, 2006

FRANKIE MULLINS JONES NettletonFrankie Mullins Jones, 93, died Wednesday, February 1, 2006, at Daniel Heath Care after an extended illness. A Monroe County native, she was born February 26, 1912 to the late Marion and Lula Bell Jackson Mullins. She was a 1932 graduate of Nettleton High School and one of the original workers at Reeds Manufacturing. She was married...

Patricia Bell

Patricia Bell

February 1, 2006

PAT BELL TupeloPatricia T. Bell, 86, died Friday, February 1, 2006 at her residence in Tupelo. A Chicago native, she was born November 3, 1919 to the late John and Katherine Urbuchaite Sokas. She was a registered American Red Cross nurse, having served as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Army during World War II. She had also worked as a...

Roy L. Dulaney

Roy L. Dulaney

January 31, 2006

ROY L. DULANEY MemphisRoy L. Dulaney, 81, died Tuesday, January 31, 2006, at the Cordova Rehab and Nursing Center after an extended illness. A native of Fulton, he was born January 2, 1925 to the late William Oscar and Matttie Lou Kennedy Dulaney. He was a member of Harrisburg Baptist Church. A Disabled American Veteran, he served in the U.S....

Roy Dulaney

Roy Dulaney

January 31, 2006

ROY L. DULANEY MemphisRoy L. Dulaney, 81, died Tuesday, January 31, 2006, at the Cordova Rehab and Nursing Center after an extended illness. A native of Fulton, he was born January 2, 1925 to the late William Oscar and Matttie Lou Kennedy Dulaney. He was a member of Harrisburg Baptist Church. A Disabled American Veteran, he served in the U.S....

William H. Elmore

William H. Elmore

January 30, 2006

WILLIAM H. "BILL ELMORE TupeloWilliam H. "Bill Elmore, 76, died Monday, January 30, 2006 at his residence. An Alabama native, he was born June 28, 1929, to the late Claudie A. and Dessie Porter Elmore. He had been a resident of Tupelo for over 40 years. A member of the U.S. Air force, he served from 1952 until 1956 in...

William Elmore

William Elmore

January 30, 2006

WILLIAM H. "BILL ELMORE TupeloWilliam H. "Bill Elmore, 76, died Monday, January 30, 2006 at his residence. An Alabama native, he was born June 28, 1929, to the late Claudie A. and Dessie Porter Elmore. He had been a resident of Tupelo for over 40 years. A member of the U.S. Air force, he served from 1952 until 1956 in...

Ricky Easterling

Ricky Easterling

January 30, 2006

RICKY EASTERLING Blue SpringsRicky Easterling, 39, died Monday, January 30, 2006, at the University Medical Center in Jackson after an extended illness. A life long Jugfork Community resident, he was born December 7, 1966, in Baldwyn. He had worked 18 years for Tecumseh Products and enjoyed fishing and hunting. He was a member of the Baptist church. Services will be...



January 27, 2006

Sam Cox Tupelo - Sam Cox, 3-year-old son of David Thomas and Samantha Pittman Cox of Tupelo, died Friday, Jan. 27, 2006, at the North Mississippi Medical Center after a long illness. A Tupelo native, he was born Aug. 14, 2002. Along with his family, he attended West Main Church of Christ. He loved all super heroes, especially Batman and...

Sam Cox

Sam Cox

January 27, 2006

Sam Cox Tupelo - Sam Cox, 3-year-old son of David Thomas and Samantha Pittman Cox of Tupelo, died Friday, Jan. 27, 2006, at the North Mississippi Medical Center after a long illness. A Tupelo native, he was born Aug. 14, 2002. Along with his family, he attended West Main Church of Christ. He loved all super heroes, especially Batman and...

William McCarver

William McCarver

January 27, 2006

WILLIAM ROSS McCARVER TupeloWilliam Ross McCarver, 84, died Friday, January 27, 2006. A native of Pontotoc County, he was born November 28, 1921 to the late William Preston and Emily Huey McCarver. After graduating from Mississippi State with a Bachelor of Science degree, he worked as an assistant supervisor for Farmers Home Administration for many years. He was a member...

Callie McCarter

Callie McCarter

January 26, 2006

CALLIE SUE McCARTER TUPELOCallie Sue McCarter, 100, died Thursday, January 26, 2006, at her sisters residence. A Blue Springs native, she was born November 11, 1905 to the late Isaac Allison and Sara Williamson McCarter. She had lived in the same house in the Macedonia Community since 1907, and was a graduate of Sherman High School. She was a homemaker...

Billy Griffin

Billy Griffin

January 26, 2006

Billy M. Griffin Saltillo - Billy M. Griffin, 75, died Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006, at his residence in Saltillo after an extended illness. A Calhoun City native, he was born May 12, 1931, to the late Roy and Irene Crawford Griffin. He was a former employee of the Lake County Sheriff's Department in Waukegan, Ill. An avid outdoorsman, he enjoyed...

Callie Sue McCarter

Callie Sue McCarter

January 26, 2006

CALLIE SUE McCARTER TUPELOCallie Sue McCarter, 100, died Thursday, January 26, 2006, at her sisters residence. A Blue Springs native, she was born November 11, 1905 to the late Isaac Allison and Sara Williamson McCarter. She had lived in the same house in the Macedonia Community since 1907, and was a graduate of Sherman High School. She was a homemaker...

Beatrice Henry

Beatrice Henry

January 25, 2006

BEATRICE HENRY SALTILLOBeatrice Henry, 83, died Wednesday, January 25, 2006 at Graceland Health Care after an extended illness. A native of Oklahoma, she was born November 27, 1922 to the late Oliver Clifford and Bertie Henry Cox. As a young girl, she had also lived in Tennessee. She was the widow of R.E. Henry who died Aug. 31, 2004. They...

Dorothy L. "Dodie" Musselwhite

Dorothy L. "Dodie" Musselwhite

January 25, 2006

DOROTHY L. MUSSELWHITE HATLEYDorothy "Dodie Musselwhite, 58, died Wednesday, January 25, 2006, at North Mississippi Medical Center after a sudden illness. She was born April 20, 1947 to the late Albert Eddie and Fannie Leona Kinsey. She worked in health care services. She was a member of the body of Christ. Graveside service will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at...

Dorothy L.

Dorothy L.

January 25, 2006

DOROTHY L. MUSSELWHITE HATLEYDorothy "Dodie Musselwhite, 58, died Wednesday, January 25, 2006, at North Mississippi Medical Center after a sudden illness. She was born April 20, 1947 to the late Albert Eddie and Fannie Leona Kinsey. She worked in health care services. She was a member of the body of Christ. Graveside service will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at...

Suzanne L. Kopf

Suzanne L. Kopf

January 22, 2006

SUZANNE LUELLA KOPF TUPELO, MSSuzanne Luella Kopf, 52, died Sunday, January 22, 2006. A native of McKessport, PA, she was born January 1, 1954 to the late Eugene and Leota Marie Galley Geissler. She had worked as a commercial artist with Sabin Industires and also as an assistant manager for McDonalds Restaurant and an associate for Books-A-Million. She enjoyed arts...

Suzanne Kopf

Suzanne Kopf

January 22, 2006

SUZANNE LUELLA KOPF TUPELO, MSSuzanne Luella Kopf, 52, died Sunday, January 22, 2006. A native of McKessport, PA, she was born January 1, 1954 to the late Eugene and Leota Marie Galley Geissler. She had worked as a commercial artist with Sabin Industires and also as an assistant manager for McDonalds Restaurant and an associate for Books-A-Million. She enjoyed arts...

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